The Price of Discovery Read online

Page 15

  “Where is the man now?” Drakor’s voice was tight, edgy.

  Erin opened her mouth to reply, but then the realization slammed into her brain. Her John Doe was Drakor’s missing friend. The one he asked about that first night he came to her apartment.

  She couldn’t tell him he was dead. Not now. She had to sort all this out first, understand how all the pieces fit together. She had to find out why Drakor and his friend came to Earth.

  Oh hell, time to suck it up and deal with the fact that Drakor wasn’t human. Time to be a woman and use her feminine charms to get what she wanted. Plus, she needed to change the subject from John Doe.

  The dirt road to the Victorian loomed up ahead but Erin ran her fingers up Drakor’s leg until she reached the hem of his shorts. He gasped, jumping in the seat.

  “Erin…” His voice sounded low and tortured.

  She bit her lip to keep from smiling. “Hmmm?”

  “Your hand. P-Please move it from my leg.”

  She left it there until she pulled in front of the house and she needed it to move the gear into park and yank on the brake.

  Drakor reached for the door handle but she leaned across the car and put her other hand over his crotch. He shuddered, moaned, when her fingers brushed along his erection. Two could play at this game.

  “Wh-what are you doing?”

  She grinned. “I wanted to see if that something was still between us.”

  His sultry eyes finally locked onto hers. “And is it?”

  Erin ran her fingertip along the hardness in his shorts and his whole body tensed. She moved herself closer to him, licking her lips. “I think it is.”

  She heard him catch his breath as his eyes fluttered closed. She must be torturing him. That was good. She’d get information out of him yet.

  Leaning across the seats twisted her back but she couldn’t let him go yet, not when she had him within her clutches. Erin scooted over the brake and landed in his lap. The very same place this all started two days ago.

  Drakor groaned but didn’t push her off. Erin wiped the sweat gathering on her forehead and wriggled a bit, just for good fun, rubbing her hip against him.

  Suddenly, his hands captured her waist and his eyes flashed open. “You do this on purpose.”

  “Shall I stop?”

  “Great Sun, no, don’t stop.”

  She stared into his bottomless eyes, unable to ignore the incessant pounding of her heart. “How can you not be from Earth?”

  “I do not understand your question.” His husky voice rumbled his chest.

  “You look, you feel, you taste, every thing about you seems human.”

  He drew in a sharp breath and his eyes narrowed. “I am not human.”

  Erin recoiled. “You say it with disgust.”

  Drakor shook his head, his hands sliding up her sides. “I did not mean for it to sound that way. But you must understand what’s happened in the past…”

  Despite her body’s continued hunger for him, the mood had clearly been broken by his statement.

  Erin reached to the seat behind her and snatched Sitora’s cloth doll.

  “Do not leave.” His voice was pleading. “Historically, humans have treated others with—”

  “I’m going inside to give your sister her doll,” she said, deliberately interrupting him, and opened the car door.

  “Erin, wait!” He reached across the seat for her but she slipped out before he could grab her. She ran up the front steps and knocked on the door. She tested the knob, but it was locked.

  Footsteps sounded behind her and then Drakor had his hands on her shoulders. He swung her around.

  “We need to talk.”

  “Why? Because you’re worried what I might do if I’m angry?” And well he should be.

  He stared at her and once again she was drawn into his mysterious gaze, complete with the odd white circles in the center. “Yes,” he answered softly. “I don’t want you angry. I want you to understand.”

  But it was easier if she were angry. Easier to steal that PDA-looking thing from him and write the story of her career when she wasn’t thinking of the next time his lips would touch her neck.

  He took a step closer and she swallowed. The scent of him saturated her, just as it did in the car. Her body tingled and her nipples hardened. Even now, even when she couldn’t stand him, his essence broke through to her innate sexuality.

  So this is how it would be. No matter that he was an extraterrestrial, no matter that he hated humans and used her, no matter that she would expose him to further her career—she would always be attracted to him. She would always want him. She just needed to keep a clear focus on that. But under no circumstances, would she fall for him.

  The door opened behind her.


  She turned around to see her little friend. “Look what I’ve brought back for you, Sitora.”

  The little girl took her doll and gave it a hug. Then she rushed forward and squeezed Erin’s legs. “I’m so glad you came back. Drakor said I wouldn’t see you again.”

  She bent down and pulled Sitora in her arms. “Well, he can’t seem to keep me away, can he?”

  “Uh-uh!” The girl leaned away from Erin’s shoulder and stuck her tongue out at her brother. “I’m the one that got the present today, not you!”


  Sitora nodded. “Today is the anniversary of Drakor’s birth. But he’s too mean to get any presents.”

  Drakor’s birthday? Erin looked over her shoulder at him. His arms were folded across his chest and his lips were set in a grim line. Instead of enjoying the day, he looked furious. As if he didn’t want to be reminded of it.

  “Your birthday?” She tried goading him into admitting why he fumed. “Most humans see it as a cause for celebration.”

  He glared at her. “I’m not human, remember?”

  Drakor felt the heat of anger flush his face. He left his sister and Erin on the porch and stormed down the steps. It was probably unwise to leave Erin unwatched, but he couldn’t stand before her any longer.

  Damn this game they played. In the vehicle he had been so close to tasting her again, to having his fingers trail over her smooth skin, to cupping his palms around her breasts.

  Then she had to mention him looking human. And he was stupid enough to allow his emotions to answer her. Of course she would be defensive of her people, he should have known better.

  But then she had to provoke him again with the talk of celebrating his special day. What did she know of it? How could she even begin to understand what the day meant for him? From now on he would have no one. Once he returned to Elliac, he would have to carry the shame of Unmhar, mate-less. The shame would only double if he allowed them to return home without completion of their mission.

  Drakor heard the door shut and shook his head. Now Erin was in the house unsupervised. Ankra was in there somewhere, but she did not know of Erin’s discovery. He had told no one. No sense in worrying them, in making them fear her.

  He started around to the back of the house, a few raindrops sprinkling around him. But when he reached the back his stomach dropped. The shuttle appeared in full view and the plank lowered to the ground. He ran forward, his heart pounding wildly in his chest. What if Erin had a camera with her?

  Brundor stood at the top of the plank, looking oblivious to any wrongdoing.

  “Get out now!” Drakor said from below.

  “What’s the problem?”

  “What if someone were to see it?” Again.

  His brother obeyed and came down the plank. He touched the crystal pad a few times to vanish the shuttle, then he started up the hill toward the front of the house.

  Drakor caught up with him. “What were you doing in there?”

  Brundor shrugged. “Stuff.”

  “What stuff?”

  “Looking around.”

  He reached out and grabbed his brother’s shoulder to stop him. “You can’t just go i
n and out of there whenever you want.”

  Stormy, dark eyes stared back at him. The rain picked up in intensity but neither of them moved. “I am preparing for our trip home.”

  Despite the plausibility of the statement, Drakor doubted its truth. He had never known his brother to plan, organize, or prepare for anything. There was some other motive behind Brundor’s actions and before long Drakor would find it out.

  They made their way up the stairs to the porch but Brundor stopped before going in. He sniffed the air. A red hue appeared on his cheeks and he licked his lips.

  Drakor felt his chest tighten. He recognized this look and he didn’t like it. He grabbed his brother’s arm and leaped back from the heat. Oh no. Not now. Not yet.

  Brundor looked at him with wet eyes and a feral smile. “You said you weren’t going to see Erin again.”

  The hair on the back of Drakor’s neck stood up and he leaned closer. “She is not your business.”

  Drakor watched his brother swallow as a line of sweat sprang out on Brundor’s forehead. “You promised to take me to that place. To meet the females. You have to take me.”

  “It’s your Crossing. You’ve started it.”

  His brother ran his hands through his hair, dampening them with the sweat from his forehead. “I smell her.” He lifted his nose again. “I know she’s here. You told me you were done with her.”

  An electric rush blazed through Drakor’s veins. “I said I probably wouldn’t see her again, not that I was done with her.”

  “What’s the difference?” He reached for the doorknob. “I need her.”

  Drakor reached around and thrust his arm between Brundor and the door. “You won’t dare touch her.”

  “Why do you defend her? She is human.”

  He didn’t know the answer, other than that Erin was the only female he could have. The only place he could forget his future loneliness was in her arms.

  “If she is not your Mharai,” Brundor continued, “then let me have her. You know how painful these urges are.”

  Twice in a male Elliacian’s life they went through this immense pain. First during the time of their Crossing and second when they found their Mharai but could not mate with her. Both times the sexual energy searched for a release and rebelled against a forced withholding.

  But once through the Crossing, which in itself caused both agonizing restraint and rapturous release, males felt no sexual urges until they found their Mharai. If Brundor had had his Crossing as Drakor did, there would be no issue. But since he had not yet begun, his brother was an explosive combination of sexual pressure and stubborn immaturity.

  Drakor’s headache returned. Now he not only had Erin to subdue, but his own brother as well.

  “Do not touch her or I will kill you.”

  Brundor managed a half-smile. “Then you will take me to that place, that dance club to find someone else.”

  “I’m not sure you can handle yourself there. The females there are far too tantalizing and you could lose control.”

  “You said some are willing.”

  “Some are, but not right there, you would have to wait. It is not a good idea.”

  His brother narrowed his eyes and pushed his arm away. “Either you take me there or I will find a way to go myself.” Then, he opened the front door and stepped inside.

  Drakor followed. If there was ever a time he wished he were still a boy scouring through hot and dark caves and searching for hidden jewels, this was it. How could he survive the next five minutes, much less the amount of time it took for Ankra to get pregnant? He didn’t want to be in control of this mission, of his family. He never wanted to come here in the first place.

  He looked in all of the downstairs rooms for Erin but didn’t see her or his sisters. Then a shout and door slams at the top of the steps sent him running. He bounded up the grand staircase taking two steps at a time.

  But at the top he saw no one. All doors were shut.

  He opened his brother’s door first, struggling against the frenzied rush in his veins. But Brundor was alone. He sat on the edge of his bed, his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. Even from across the room, Drakor could see him trembling.

  “Tell me.” Drakor managed to hold his voice steady.

  “I–I can’t take this. You have to do something.”

  Drakor took another step closer. “Brundor…”

  “Forget the dance club, take us home.”

  He crossed the room until he stood directly before his brother. “What just happened?”

  “I–I saw the door to Mother and Father’s room open.” Brundor continued to shake and stare at the floor. “I went to look in and I saw Erin there. I mumbled something about her not going in there and she shrieked.”

  Drakor sucked in a deep breath, needing to protect Erin rather than be concerned over her prying. “Then what happened?”

  “She started to explain but I must have scared her because she pushed me out of the way and ran out the door. I think she went to Ankra and Sitora’s room.”

  “Did you touch her?”

  “No. She touched me. I came straight in here.” Brundor glanced up with frightened, red eyes. “This is killing me. I can’t deal with the Crossing on Earth. We have to go home.”

  Drakor backed away and sat on his own bed. He wanted nothing more than to go home, to take them all and vanish from Earth forever. But he promised his parents, he owed it to them to complete the mission. He owed it to his brother and sisters to not let dishonor ruin their future.

  If just a brush with a human female made Brundor this way he would have to keep him locked up for the remainder of their stay. And he was going to have to make sure that Erin did not come here again. She was far too dangerous. For everyone.

  Drakor got up and went to his sisters’ room. He knocked first, listening to the giggling and shuffling.

  Ankra opened the door. Erin was lying on the floor and Sitora sat on top of her, straddling Erin’s hips. For an instant he saw himself on the floor and Erin straddling him. A thread of desire snaked in his veins and he shoved his hands into fists trying to stave it off. No. He had to get her out of here.

  He stood over the pair. “Erin, you need to go now.”

  Her eyes narrowed and she bit her lip, just like she did after Father died when she wanted to stay to comfort Sitora. Or did she want to comfort him?

  “Erin’s not leaving.” Sitora crossed her arms.

  “We’re having a slumber party,” Ankra explained. “Erin told us all about this custom where girls get together and spend the night. We thought it would be fun.”

  Drakor’s pulse slammed at his temples. He could not allow Erin to spend the night here with Brundor ready to explode at any moment. And yet the thought of her sleeping nearby strangely pleased him.

  “I am in charge.” He crossed his arms, feeling more like little Sitora than like the leader of this family. And yet, how dare they make these decisions without consulting him? Ankra and Sitora knew nothing about the risky games Erin played. “I make the decisions here.”

  “Oh, but it was going to be a surprise,” Sitora whined. “For your anni—birthday.”

  Drakor glared at Erin. “And was that her idea too?”

  “No,” Ankra said from behind him. “It was mine.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Once Erin heard deep and even breaths from Ankra and Sitora, she sat up. She never liked sleeping on the floor. Even as a girl in grade school, she hated slumber parties where she had to bring her sleeping bag. There was nothing like a nice, soft bed. But she could sacrifice one night’s sleep for a chance at the object she saw still under the dresser.

  The moon cast long shadows in the dim room. She couldn’t reach the electronic thing from this side of the dresser, it was too far the other side. But Sitora’s bed blocked the other side. The only way to reach it was to climb over Sitora and reach behind her head.

  Erin crawled out of her blankets and over to th
e sleeping girl. An angelic face nestled close to the worn doll. There couldn’t be a sweeter image anywhere.

  Erin sighed. This would be easier if she had gone home to get her pajamas and other necessities, but a part of her feared Drakor wouldn’t let her back in if she left. But he did let Ankra convince him to lend her one of his shirts. So here she was on her knees, wearing a green shirt smelling every bit like the man in the next room, ready to steal something she knew was important to him.

  She scooted over Sitora and wedged herself between the girl and the large bed. Erin reached under the dresser but couldn’t touch it. She pushed herself flat on her stomach, held her breath, and extended her fingertips toward the wall.

  Contact. She crept forward another inch or so until her face was pressed against the mahogany drawer. With a small tip forward, the device fell against her palm. Erin snatched it and pulled away.

  Finally, she held it safely within her grasp. This thing had to be something more than that light—or whatever it was. She clearly saw Brundor touch one of these and make the spaceship disappear.

  Erin pushed herself up against the bed and stood. For a moment, she watched the two sisters sleeping. They looked so peaceful, so happy, so…unaware. Exposing Drakor for her article was one thing but it would also affect the rest of them. What would happen to these two once her story broke?

  She stepped over Sitora and bit her lip. Her big bag sat near Ankra’s bed and she tiptoed across the room to it. She didn’t want to hurt them. In fact, despite the way Drakor treated her, she didn’t want to hurt him either. But for once in her life she had to think of herself, of her professional life. Rita wouldn’t let a friendship stand in her way. A reporter needed to be apart from emotional ties. She’d learned that lesson well enough. The shame from it all still burned her cheeks and twisted her stomach.

  Erin opened the small zipper deep inside her purse and dropped the electronic PDA-thing in it. She took a quick check on the others and found them still sleeping, the moonlight spilling across Sitora’s sweet face.

  She bit her lip again and stole out the bedroom door. The hallway was nearly pitch black, save for a gray light coming up the steps from the window in the parlor room. Erin glanced at the next door and swallowed. Inside laid both Brundor and Drakor.