The Price of Discovery Page 10
“So what’s the gun for?”
She saw him shrug a shoulder. “I thought that if they were looking for something at my business, they might come to my house next.”
“Were you going to shoot them?”
“Nah. Just scare them off.” He leaned over and glanced at the clock. “Hell, Erin, it’s almost midnight. What are you doing here?”
She sighed. “I was at Drakor’s place, snooping through the woods for some evidence—”
“Of the spaceship?”
“Of whatever I could find.” She reached into her bag and pulled out the object. “I did find this.” She handed it to him.
“Turn on the light, will you? I can’t see shit in the dark.”
Erin flipped on the light on his bedside, praying he had clothes on under the sheets. Thankfully, she saw cloth at his waist. He must sleep in his underwear.
“It looks like a light of some sort.” He flipped it over in his hand.
“That’s what I thought. What do you think it belongs to?”
“I don’t know.” Greg tried to put his fingernail along the edges. “There aren’t creases or cracks. How does this thing open?”
“I haven’t had much time to look at it.”
“Is this why you came here and woke me up?” He looked up at her. “To show me this?”
“No.” She took the light from him and stuffed back into the purse. “Drakor saw me out there and asked me if I wanted to talk about my story—”
“Your story? The one you’re doing on him?”
“No. The one I made up about Mickey’s. I needed an excuse to talk to him and go over there, remember?”
“Okay. So, why are you here?”
“Well, as he and I were leaving—”
“He wanted to work on the story with you tonight? In the middle of the night?”
Erin lifted her chin. “That’s what he said.”
Greg grinned. “That’s not what he meant.”
Hell, she knew that. It hadn’t been so long that she would forget what a man’s heated gaze or urgent caress meant. It was probably why he was so annoyed with his sister coming along and delaying the moment.
“Anyway, as he and I were getting in the car, Ankra came running out to us.”
“Ankra?” He sat up straighter.
Erin yawned. She was getting sleepy. Drakor might not be getting what he came for. “Yes, she said she needed to come see you. She looked upset.”
“I don’t know. But she’s waiting with Drakor downstairs.”
“They’re here?”
She nodded. “Get dressed, will you?”
Erin headed for the door and Greg jumped out of the bed. He slipped on a pair of shorts he grabbed off the dresser and followed her down the stairs.
In the living room, they found Ankra huddled on a corner of the couch and Drakor standing next to the window, staring out at the moon.
“What’s going on?” Greg asked.
Ankra leaped from the couch and ran over to him. She fell against his bare chest. Startled, Greg wrapped his arms around her back and held her.
“What’s the matter?”
She wouldn’t answer.
“Drakor,” Greg turned to Ankra’s brother. “Why is she crying?”
“I do not know.” He didn’t turn to look at them but Erin could see the tenseness in his shoulders. “She will not tell me.”
“I cannot,” his sister moaned. “Father will not let me.”
Drakor swung around and glared at her, his eyes narrow and fierce. “Father is keeping something from me.”
Ankra whimpered and squeezed her eyes closed.
Drakor stormed over to where she stood with Greg. “I am responsible if something happens to him. He cannot keep things from me.”
She opened her eyes and looked at him. “He…he says you would not understand. That you refuse to believe.”
Drakor’s whole body stiffened and his features hardened in rage. “What isn’t he telling me, Ankra? I will not leave you here alone until you tell me.”
She sniffled and finally nodded.
Drakor took a hold of her arm and pulled her from Greg’s embrace. “I need a private room.”
“Downstairs,” Erin suggested. “There is an office with a door.”
He lifted his gaze to hers. Never before had she seen such a raw combination of anger, disappointment, and yearning. He then disappeared down the steps with his sister.
“What in the world was that all about?” Greg looked at her.
Erin shrugged. “I don’t know, but they certainly get stranger and stranger, don’t they?”
“You ain’t kidding.”
Drakor pushed the door closed behind them until he heard it latch. “Tell me, Ankra.” He turned to glower at her.
She sat in the chair before the human’s computer and crossed her arms over one another. “We cannot return to Elliac until the mission is complete.”
“I know that.”
She looked away from him. “It isn’t complete yet.”
Drakor shifted and glanced around the room, seeing nothing but white walls and shelves of books. “I need to find Alaziri, I promised his family—”
“No.” Ankra drew her feet up on the chair and put her chin on her knees. “I’m not referring to you. I’m talking about me.”
Drakor’s stomach clenched. A muscle ticked on his jaw. “I found those capsules at the drugstore. They should be enough to take back to the Researchers.”
“It takes more than capsules,” she said against her legs.
“Ankra, you must explain what Father didn’t want me to know.”
She lifted her colorless eyes to him. “You’ve paid no attention. On Elliac or here. You and Brundor are so concerned about your needs, about finding a Mharai to satisfy yourself with that you have barely an idea of what it is like for those crippled at home.”
He crossed his arms. “I do see how they suffer.”
“You didn’t want us to take this mission. After all, it got in the way of your search for a Mharai. Only when you realized we could give Alaziri the proper burial did you concede to come along.”
Drakor felt heat rise to his face. “The anniversary of my birth is only a short time away. If I have not found her by then I will be forever alone. How would you feel in my place?”
Ankra lifted her chin. “I could sacrifice myself and my happiness if it meant healing others.”
“How very noble of you, sister. And how does this fit into Father’s secret?”
Her gaze slid away from his again. “As I said, those capsules you found will not be enough to save Elliacians. They need more, something stronger, something that is forever a part of them.”
“Which is?”
“They need the working gene.”
Drakor laughed. “And how did the Researchers suppose we bring back DNA? Are we to take the blood of these humans? To kidnap a human and bring them with us?”
She squirmed and pushed the chair away from him. Her discomfort caused the gnawing anxiety to swirl in his gut.
“Tell me, Ankra. These word games are only angering me.”
“I…” she cleared her throat, “I am to bring back the genes within me.”
“How would you?” But even as he said the words, the knowledge slammed into his brain like a hurtling comet. An offspring. Her mission consisted not just of mating with a human male, but to become pregnant by him.
Drakor turned and leaned his arm against a metal cabinet. “No.” He leaned his head on his forearm. “Tell me it isn’t possible.”
“We don’t know if it is possible or not. But we must try.” Ankra got up from the chair and stood next to him. “How else can we be sure to have the genetic material?”
“But-but your Mharai?”
She shrugged. “Who knows if I have one and if I do, hopefully he will understand that what I did was for the good of Elliac.”
Drakor’s throat tighten
ed, his pulse pounded. “And you are here now because you have not accomplished this yet?”
“Correct.” She sighed. “Though I continue to try.”
“It is the condoms?”
“He refuses to mate without one.”
Drakor swept passed her and sank into the chair. “Humans resist unwanted pregnancies and venereal diseases. They have not evolved the way we have.”
“I know, but it is prolonging our stay.” She blinked and tears filled her eyes. “Father’s health is failing and he will not leave Earth until this is done.”
“So he will sacrifice his life, as well.”
Ankra wiped at a tear. “This mission is so important. He took it as a great honor. He hoped you would feel the same.”
Drakor closed his eyes. How could he be the same as his father? Humans were light years behind them in technology. How could such a culture provide them with the missing link they so desperately needed?
Even if Erin did not discover their true identities, someone else would. The government would come and entrap them or kill them, just as they may have killed Alaziri. Every moment on this planet was a risk to their lives. Humans feared the unknown. They would not understand.
No. Drakor would not have permitted his family to make this sacrifice, honor or not. “I cannot agree that this is the right way.”
Ankra sighed. “That is precisely the reason Father did not want to tell you.”
He looked up at her. “Greg is human and you are not.”
“How do you know when or where our bloodlines have separated? Perhaps we aren’t so different from them.”
“He isn’t your Mharai. How could he get you with child?”
“Perhaps with humans it doesn’t matter. After all, they choose their own mate on Earth.”
“So how will you accomplish this when you have thus far been unsuccessful?”
She flipped her hair over her shoulder and gave a small smile. “I have been reading about human female reproduction. I will lie to him and tell him that the time of my conceptual abilities have well passed, so the condom is not necessary.”
“What is the human female time of conception?”
“Somewhere around four days.”
The answer cheered him. Hopefully he would discover that this would not be Erin’s fertile time and he would not have to fool her not to use the condom. Drakor still did not believe he could get her pregnant, no matter what his sister, his father, or the Researchers said.
“Why do you lust after Erin if she is not your Mharai? You have clearly come tonight to mate with her.”
“I do not know the answer.”
But he could not turn back now. He wanted to satisfy the desperate cravings they started last week. He wanted to feel the serenity their intimacy gave him. It could very well be the last time he would ever feel desire or inner peace.
He needed deliverance, distraction, desire.
Drakor stood and went to the door.
Ankra quietly cleared her throat. “She is not like some of the other females on this planet who can mate without giving something of themselves.”
He paused, his fingers on the knob.
“Erin will be heartbroken when you are gone from here.”
Drakor clenched his jaw. An uncomfortable feeling climbed his throat. “You cannot possibly know this.”
“I am a female, Drakor. I understand her. I see it in her eyes. As I have said, we are really not very different from humans. It is only you who fail to believe.”
He forced a laugh and shook his head. “This is nonsense. There are countless differences—”
She put her hand on his arm. “You scoff at the humans and you hold yourself apart from the Elliacians. Where do you belong, Drakor? Who do you hold allegiance to?”
Her words slashed through his heart. He twisted the door handle and straightened. “Myself.” He headed back up the stairs.
Chapter Eleven
Erin didn’t know what to expect. When he first mentioned coming back here his steamy gaze sent her heart fluttering, her knees weakening. But now, after that brief visit to Greg’s house, Drakor’s mood had abruptly shifted.
He still had that ever-present sheen on his forehead and color on his ruddy cheeks. But his dark eyes stared at her with more than longing. He seemed confused, uncertain, almost despondent. What had he and Ankra talked about?
Erin opened the door to her apartment. Maybe she should ask him if he was all right or if he’d rather she take him home. But when the door closed behind them, Drakor ensnared her waist with his arm and yanked her against him. His warm breath sent shivers down her spine.
Her heart pounded beneath her breasts. Her nipples ached for his tongue.
He kissed the outside of her ear and she closed her eyes.
Was she ready for this? Last week she pushed aside her caution to use Drakor, to use sex to ply secrets from his lips. But now she’d learned more—not enough—but more. And she had to use any means necessary to get this piece nailed.
One night wasn’t going to ruin her career again. She just had to separate feeling from, well, feeling. Emotions from sensations.
But she wasn’t quite ready yet. It was too soon. She hadn’t even put down her purse. Plus, she needed chocolate. Big time.
Erin broke free of his well-muscled arm and headed straight for the kitchen. Inside the fridge she pushed aside an old bag of salad, a half-eaten yogurt, and leftovers from the dinner with Greg. Ah, there it was.
Erin snatched the can, shut the fridge door, and grabbed a spoon from the drawer.
She turned to find Drakor leaning against the doorway, his powerful arms folded across that luscious chest, and a predatory glint in his midnight eyes. She held out the can. “Frosting?”
He shook his head. “What is that strange creature?”
She followed his gaze. “That’s Shellbert. He’s my hermit crab.”
His face remained blank.
“I know, not much of a pet, but it’s all I got the time and energy for.” Erin pointed to a chair with the spoon. “Have a seat.”
Drakor pulled his gaze from the plastic container and sat. His wild, seductive stare unnerved her. Butterflies danced in her tummy. Awareness swirled deep between her legs. She flipped off the top of the milk chocolate frosting and carved out a heaping chunk.
Erin dropped into the chair next to him and licked a taste off the spoon. “Mmmmmm…this really is good. You should try it.”
Drakor cleared his throat. “No, thank you.”
“You’ve had frosting before, haven’t you?”
“Erin, I need to know if my brother caused you any harm.”
Well, that sure was a change of subject. “Harm? Um, no, but he did spook me a little.”
He sat up straighter and his eyes hardened. A vein pulsed on his forehead. “Tell me what transpired.”
“He saw me in the hallway and approached me. I didn’t know what he was going to do.” She focused her attention on the lump of chocolate on her spoon. “But then he laughed and said he wouldn’t dare touch me or something. You would kill him.”
Brundor must have been using a figure of speech. Certainly Drakor would not kill his own brother.
“He did not touch you?” His controlled voice cut through her thoughts.
“No. He mumbled something about proving his strength and then he left. Do you know what it was all about?”
His jaw worked but his shoulders relaxed. “I am relieved that he did not cause you any harm.”
She took another lick off the spoon. “I’m fine. Seriously.”
Drakor wiped his palms on his shorts. “You like that food product.”
Food product? He always came up with something to remind her of how odd he was. And now her stomach took a dive. His oddities were why she was so interested in pursuing a story on him and his family. Their secret. Drakor was the main subject of her investigation. Just like Evan had been.
He raised an eyebrow, his sexy lips cu
rved in a grin. “I like the look on your face when you taste it.”
Damn, he sure knew what to say, how to entice her back under his spell. Her better sense told her to get him out of the apartment, but every cell in her body throbbed for his caress.
“Really good chocolate is almost as good as…” Sex. That’s why she was eating it now. Trying her hardest to satisfy her lust with the chocolate rather than Drakor’s capable hands.
“As good as…?” He was going to make her say it.
Erin licked her lips then planted herself on his lap, straddling his legs. “Why don’t you decide for yourself?”
Erin held the spoon in front of her mouth. With all of the provocative lure she could muster, Erin slowly licked the frosting, encircling it with her tongue.
His breath caught. Dark eyes drew half-closed, the odd white circles returning. His mouth tensed, then his lips parted. Hot fingers clamped down on her waist.
A delicious shot of anticipation shivered through her. She liked this game. “You will try some now.” Erin held the spoon before his mouth.
Drakor hesitated, but then slowly opened his mouth. He took a small nibble and then closed his lips. She heard his tongue moving around, as if feeling the texture and absorbing all of the flavors.
He didn’t answer her with words, but opened his mouth again. She obliged him by placing the rest of it inside. The spoon came back empty.
“Surprising.” He sounded astonished.
“That’s nothing. You should try Belgian chocolates, they are to die for.”
Drakor said nothing, but yanked her hips hard against him. His erection pressed against the aching spot between her legs. He reached into her hair and he pulled her face to his.
Erin tossed the spoon over his shoulder and it clanked in the sink. He smelled sweet, like the frosting. Ideas of where she could lick that confection off of him whirled through her thoughts.
“I would have never expected that,” he whispered against her cheek. “You must tell me how I can repay you.”
Erin could think of a hundred ways. But what she wanted most, besides his lips on her mouth and his hard body on top of her, was to know who he really was. Where did he come from? What was that thing she found behind his house? Did he have anything to do with the mysterious life and death of John Doe?